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Day to Day Life

Homemade Laundry Detergent Safe for Little Ones

It’s amazing what having children can do for you. Our daughter has shaped and changed our lives in so many wonderful ways. When I was a kid, I actually remember my mom making her own laundry detergent. Now with a daughter myself, I’m putting her first. I’m not one who is constantly worrying about what is in products that we use. But trust me…

Five Convenient Homemade Snack Pouch Ideas for Infants

Some days you don’t feel like making lunches. Some days you need convince (like zoo days). But your children still need fruits, veggies, and proteins. Buying the store bought squeeze pouches aren’t ideal for really little babies. I also have control over what is in my daughters food. One of the best things I have bought is a small device that puts purees in a pouch…

DIY Childs Bluey Costume for under $12

Happy Fall! I can’t believe it’s October. Time is flying for our little family. Good thing I had a quick solution for a costume because honestly, I forgot all about it. Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday, so why would I spent $50+ on a costume for an 8 month old? I won’t. But, I still want her to be included. Finding an…

The Dangers of Raising Children in Social Media Era

This may seem like a random topic to most, but it’s something a lot of people aren’t aware of. I’m not here to start a debate, I just want to try to shed some light on another point of view that most of us don’t consider. Eighty percent of the time, we just post photos to share with family and friends so…

Let’s Talk Cloth Diapers

It’s been awhile since I’ve had the time to write a blog. Not only do I now have a 6 month old (not sure where time has gone) but I had to go gluten free. One of our dogs has been going through allergies as well. A lot of my blogs that I have been drafting, need some TLC now that I have more food restrictions…

Seven Make Ahead Freezer Meals

My husband and I welcomed our first daughter early February. Needless to say, we’ve been busy and thinking about what to eat normally comes last. Especially being across the country from our family, we knew it would get hard as we don’t have anyone to drop off a meal. We didn’t want to go out all the time and didn’t want to…

Our Nursery Reveal – Gender Neutral Woodland Theme

I’m currently 25 weeks pregnancy and we are completely done with our littlest loves nursery. Although we’re done early, it’s nice we won’t have to do any work later in my pregnancy. My husband and I were planning to wait to find out until birth the gender of our baby. We had names picked out for both a boy and a girl…

Seven Essential Financial Decisions We Made During Pregnancy

For those of you who don’t know, we are first time parents. Of course, this baby has changed our life for the better, but there are some life adjustments we made before baby’s arrival. It’s important to know that this is what works for our family personally. The points below may work well for you and your budget and beliefs, and they may not. When we starting…

Expanding Our Little Family to a Party of Three

This blog has been in draft for months, I started this blog in September when we got Scooter. By the time December rolled around, I was going to also incorporate Homer. But, our family keeps growing and I think now is the time to get this blog up and running. We have a little blessing on the way, due early February 2023. As of today, August 16th, I am in…

Must Haves for Thrive Market – My Favorite Items

Part of the reason I love Thrive Market is the fact the prices are comparable to other stores and it gets delivered to your house. You are able to view the nutrition label before purchasing the product and they have a lot of organic and healthy foods. I absolutely love their generic brand for a lot of things. I personally only purchase things about once a month or when I…

Plan a Full Week of Meals With Me

Every weekend, Jared and I work through what meals we’d like to have and then grab what we need at the grocery store. This is simply my process on how we go about meals for the week and what keeps us on track. A good portion of our meals are planned from what we have in the freezer. Rather than what we would prefer to eat. If we…

Preparing for the Transformation Challenge

The New year is in full swing and goals are quickly beginning. If you recall, one of my New Year goals was to do the OrangeTheory transformation challenge. The challenge runs from January 31st to March 27th; eight weeks long of discipline. Yes, this is another blog post on OrangeTheory. It’s no secret I love OrangeTheory very much, but the transformation challenge is more than showing up to…